Tuesday 21 July 2009

It’s not information overload. It’s filter failure

So said Clay Shirky . . . recently I read about a site that seems to help. Alltop is a site that has been designed to allow you to find out what’s going on in various different topics on the web that you can browse by categories or search using keywords. There is often just too much information on the web to easily keep up and staying up to date and sifting through it all can be very difficult. Alltop can help as all of your topics are updated every hour. Alltop can be compared to a search engine but Alltop is different from a search engine by the way it collects the headlines of the latest stories from sites and blogs and aggregates this into individual web pages. Alltop describe themselves as the “online magazine rack” of the web. They subscribed to thousands of sources to display stories from sources that you’re probably already visiting, puts them in one place, plus helps you discover new sources for subjects you are interested in. Alltop is free and to register you just need to choose a username, password and also enter a valid email address . The username you choose will also be used as your URL to access your personal account. Alltop was founded in March 2008 by Guy Kawasaki, Will Mayall, and Kathryn Henkens. You can see an example I created at http://my.alltop.com/rhino128

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